Indian medical association president was asked not to use the platform for popularizing any religion rather it should concentrate more on its purpose for which it has been framed that is the welfare of the medical fraternity.
The observation of the court came out after “Rohit Jha” filed a suit against the president of IMA for the defamatory campaign against the Hindu religion. It is alleged that Dr JA Jayalal is found to propagate Christianity on his platform. Further, he was also found saying sentences like “Allopathy and Christianity are same and the one thing”.
The Hon’ble court further observes that it is the duty of every citizen has to respect each other religion and any kind of derogatory words about any religion are not expected from the prestigious man who is chairing the association like IMA. The Hon’ble court further dictated that the platform as big as such should not be used for one’s own opinion.